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Understanding Supply Chain Management and Its Platform's Importance

October 11, 2024

Understanding Supply Chain Management and Its Platform's Importance

By: Sarjak Sheth23 min


What is Supply Chain Management?

Supply chain management (SCM) involves overseeing the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers. It ensures efficiency and coordination throughout this process. Effective SCM optimizes the entire production flow, from sourcing raw materials to delivering finished products. It includes managing relationships with suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. By integrating supply and demand management within and across companies, SCM aims to improve profitability and customer satisfaction. A robust Supply Chain Management platform, like Shiperone, addresses these issues by providing essential tools for real-time tracking, communication, and data analysis. By streamlining inventory management, logistics, and supplier coordination, Shiperone helps businesses reduce waste and accelerate processes, ultimately enhancing their operational efficiency and responsiveness to market demands.

Understanding Supply Chain Management and Its Platform's Importance

Currently What All Challenges Companies Are Facing?

Today’s companies encounter several significant challenges in managing their supply chains:

• Rising Costs: Increasing costs of materials, transportation put pressure on profit margins. Companies need to find ways to control these expenses without sacrificing quality.
• Supply Chain Disruptions: Events like natural disasters, pandemics, or geopolitical tensions can disrupt supply chains. These disruptions can lead to delays and shortages, affecting customer satisfaction.
• Inefficient Operations: Many businesses still rely on outdated methods for tracking and managing their supply chains. This can lead to delays, increased waste, and poor decision-making.
• Market Demands: Customers expect faster delivery and high-quality products. Meeting these demands requires a flexible and responsive supply chain, which many companies struggle to achieve.

Why There is a Need for a Supply Chain Management Platform to Solve This?

Given the challenges above, companies need effective solutions. A supply chain management platform like Shiperone can address these issues by providing several key features:

• Real-time Tracking: A supply chain platform enables companies to monitor the movement of goods in real-time. This visibility helps identify bottlenecks and allows for quick adjustments to keep operations running smoothly.
• Data Analysis: These platforms use data analytics to review past performance and current conditions. This insight helps businesses make informed decisions and optimize their operations.
• Streamlined Communication: A good platform enhances communication between suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors. Improved coordination reduces errors and speeds up processes.
• Risk Management: By predicting potential disruptions, companies can proactively prepare for challenges, ensuring their supply chains remain resilient.

How Companies Will Be Benefited by Using Shiperone?

Utilizing a supply chain management platform like Shiperone offers numerous benefits for companies:

• Improved Supply Chain Visibility: With real-time updates, businesses can monitor every stage of the supply chain. This transparency helps reduce delays and allows for quick solutions when issues arise.
• Supply Chain Optimization: By analyzing data, companies can optimize their processes. They can adjust operations to improve efficiency and lower costs, leading to better overall performance.
• Advanced Inventory Management: Integrated inventory management systems track stock levels automatically. This ensures businesses maintain the right amount of products on hand, preventing overstocking or shortages.
• Better Collaboration: These platforms facilitate communication among all parties involved in the supply chain. Improved collaboration leads to fewer errors and faster problem resolution.
• Increased Customer Satisfaction: By optimizing supply chains and ensuring timely deliveries, businesses can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Happy customers are more likely to return and recommend the business to others.

Key Elements of Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management consists of several main components:

• Planning: This involves forecasting demand, arranging production, and managing inventory levels to ensure that the right products are ready to meet customer needs.
• Sourcing: Identifying reliable suppliers and negotiating contracts are key parts of sourcing. This ensures a consistent supply of raw materials and components.
• Manufacturing: Organizing operations to accept raw materials, design, and produce products while maintaining quality control is vital.
• Delivery: Managing the transportation and distribution of finished products to customers is crucial for meeting demands.
• Returns: Creating a process for handling defective or excess products is essential. This includes managing reverse logistics and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Technical Tips for Implementing This Platform

A Supply Chain platform can boost efficiency. However, it needs careful implementation for success.

• Set Clear Goals and Metrics: First, define your goals. They might be to reduce delivery times or cut inventory costs. Then, use the platform. Set specific metrics, like KPIs, to track progress and measure success.
• Ensure Integration with Existing Systems: The platform must connect easily with existing systems, like ERP and CRM tools. This allows for real-time data sharing, which is important for smooth operations and accurate reporting.
• Use Data Analytics for Ongoing Improvements: The platform's tools analyze data. They provide insights into supply chain performance. Use these insights to improve the supply chain. Refine processes, adjust inventory, and boost customer service.
• Train Employees Thoroughly: Successful use of the platform depends on how well employees can operate it. Ensure that your team receives the necessary training to understand the system’s features and use it to its full potential. A well-trained team ensures smooth platform adoption and maximum efficiency gains.

Common Approaches to Supply Chain Management

There are several strategic approaches to SCM:

• Lean Supply Chain Management: Focuses on eliminating waste in all forms, including excess inventory and inefficient processes, to create a cost-effective supply chain.
• Agile Supply Chain Management: Emphasizes quick responses to changes in customer demand and market conditions.
• Six Sigma: A data-driven approach aimed at reducing defects and variability in supply chain processes.
• Total Quality Management (TQM): Focuses on improving quality throughout the supply chain to increase customer satisfaction.
• Resilient Supply Chain Management: Builds a supply chain that can withstand disruptions by identifying potential risks and developing mitigation strategies.

To improve efficiency and grow, businesses must adopt a top Supply Chain Management Platform. Using a solution like Shiperone, companies can integrate key functions. These include supply chain visibility, logistics management, and inventory control. They will be in one powerful system. This ensures smooth operations and cost savings. It helps businesses perform better and stay competitive in a fast-changing global market.

Elevate your supply chain efficiency— book a demo today and see the transformation firsthand!

Navigating the Logistics Maze with Shiperone Workflows

December 04, 2023

Navigating the Logistics Maze with Shiperone Workflows

By: Gaurav Chavan23 min

Product Updates

Did You Know? On any given day, a logistics professional navigates through a staggering amount of communication - dealing with 200+ emails and making 100 calls on average for a single shipment. Add to this the complexity of managing 30 different types of documents, and the numbers quickly become overwhelming: 5-6 shipments per day, multiplied by the days in a month, and then in a year, equating to a colossal 36,000 emails and 2,000 documents monthly.

Navigating the Logistics Maze with Shiperone Workflows

Shiperone Workflows to the rescue: Visualising the Logistics Journey

Now, imagine overseeing the entirety of the complex process of logistics. Shiperone Workflows does just that – it offers a panoramic view, transforming the chaotic into the comprehensible.

Key Insights:

Centralised Communication: Shiperone Workflows centralises communication, drastically reducing the need for numerous emails and calls. Stakeholders collaborate seamlessly within a unified platform.

Document Management: Say farewell to document chaos. Shiperone organisesand manages the diverse array of documents associated with shipments, ensuring accessibility and order.

Workflow Visualisation: Shiperone Workflows provides a visual representation of the logistics journey, simplifying the understanding and optimisation of operations. From order initiation to final delivery, every step is laid out.

Efficiency at Scale: With the capability to handle thousands of emails and documents, Shiperone Workflows scales with your business. It eradicates bottlenecks, minimizes errors, and ensures the seamless operation of logistics.

Empowering all logistics professionals

Shiperone Workflows is not just a tool; it's a revolutionary force in the logistics domain. By simplifying communication, managing documents, and visualizing workflows, it empowers logistics professionals to operate at their optimum.

In an industry where time is of the essence, Shiperone Workflows stands as the catalyst for efficiency, collaboration, and success. Step into the future of logistics – experience the transformative power of Shiperone Workflows.

Uncovering The Invisible Bottleneck: Transforming Shipping and Logistics with Shiperone Workflows

November 29, 2023

Uncovering The Invisible Bottleneck: Transforming Shipping and Logistics with Shiperone Workflows

By: Marvin Kröger23 min

Product Updates

In the vast realm of global trade, where goods journey across continents and oceans, an unseen challenge quietly hampers the effectiveness of the shipping and logistics sector. This concealed obstacle, buried beneath heaps of paperwork and intricate processes, imposes a substantial toll on businesses, hindering productivity and stifling unrealized potential.

Uncovering The Invisible Bottleneck: Transforming Shipping and Logistics with Shiperone Workflows

The Issue: Manual Processes:

Despite serving as the backbone of global commerce, the shipping and logistics industry remains tethered to outdated manual processes from a bygone era. Purchase orders are laboriously typed, shipments are booked through cumbersome forms, and tracking information is scattered across disjointed data silos.

This reliance on manual labor isn't just inefficient; it's a catalyst for errors and delays. Misplaced documents, inaccuracies, and human errors result in shipments going off course, containers accumulating at ports, and customers left in frustration seeking answers.

The Impact: Significant Consequences:

The repercussions of this inefficiency are substantial. Despite the global shipping and logistics industry's annual revenue surpassing $15 trillion, its operations often teeter on slim profit margins.

The substantial costs incurred due to manual processes amount to billions annually, ultimately passed on to consumers through elevated shipping expenses.

The Solution: Shiperone Workflows:

The remedy lies in automation—leveraging technology to streamline operations and eradicate this hidden obstacle. Introducing Shiperone Workflows, a cloud-based platform positioned to innovate the shipping and logistics industry.

With Shiperone Workflows, purchase orders are effortlessly generated, shipments are booked with a simple click, and tracking information seamlessly spans borders. Mundane tasks are automated, human errors minimized, and visibility into the shipping process is greatly enhanced.

Immediate Impact and Transformation:

The effects are immediate and transformative. Businesses adopting Shiperone Workflows witness substantial cost reductions, from labor expenses to delays caused by errors. Operations become more efficient, facilitating smooth shipment flows and elevating customer satisfaction to new heights.

Envision a world where shipments effortlessly traverse borders, where delays are rare, and businesses operate at peak efficiency. Shiperone Workflows turns this vision into reality, propelling the shipping and logistics industry into a paramount force in global commerce. The World Bank's Insight: According to the World Bank, inefficiencies in the shipping and logistics industry cost businesses an average of 10% of the value of their shipments. This translates to a global loss of up to $15 trillion annually, accounting for up to 30% of the value of global trade (World Bank, Global Logistics Indicators, June 9,2022).

Conclusion: As we stand at the crossroads of technology and industry evolution, Shiperone Workflows emerges as the beacon of hope, paving the way for a future where the invisible bottleneck is eradicated, and the shipping and logistics industry operates with unprecedented efficiency and precision. It's not just a solution; it's a revolution.

Working Towards More Efficient Logistics: Navigating Challenges with Collaboration and Cost Management

November 27, 2023

Working Towards More Efficient Logistics: Navigating Challenges with Collaboration and Cost Management

By: Sarjak Sheth23 min


In the dynamic realm of logistics, service providers grapple with challenges like slumping freight rates and escalating expenses. Find out more about two pivotal strategies - collaboration and cost management - that stand as beacons of efficiency in this ever-evolving industry.

Working Towards More Efficient Logistics - Navigating Challenges with Collaboration and Cost Management

Cost Management Challenges for Shippers

Cost management is a perpetual challenge for shippers navigating the dynamic world of transportation costs. With variables like fluctuating shipping rates and unpredictable fuel prices, crafting an effective budget becomes a puzzle of intricate details. Shippers grapple with finding the delicate equilibrium between cost-effectiveness and maintaining service quality. It's time to address this challenge head-on.

Collaboration Conquers Costs

In an era where freight rates deflate like balloons, logistics service providers feel the squeeze. Costs rise, and managing industry complexities becomes a genuine struggle. Yet, collaboration emerges as a beacon of efficiency.

Picture a logistics world where providers aren't isolated islands but interconnected ecosystems sharing data seamlessly. Collaboration tools, unsung heroes, transform slumps into soars:

1. Inefficiency Vanquished: Bid farewell to data silos and scattered information. Collaboration tools digitally unite everyone, providing real-time visibility into shipments, inventory, and resources. Knowledge at your fingertips eliminates the need to chase updates or rely on guesswork.

2. Resource Planning Improved: Collaboration tools turn resource planning into an art form. Real-time insights into shipment volume, driver availability, and warehouse capacity empower logistics maestros to allocate resources efficiently. No more underutilization or overstaffing –every resource is maximized.

3. Customer Experience Elevated: Happy customers drive business success. Collaboration tools streamline communication, track shipments accurately, and resolve issues swiftly, ensuring delightful interactions. No more frustrated customers or delayed deliveries.

The cherry on top? Collaboration tools directly impact the bottom line by reducing costs. They eliminate inefficiencies, maximize resource utilization, and enhance customer satisfaction – an investment in a more profitable future.

Cost Management Solutions:

In parallel, effective cost management is crucial. Shiperone's cost-optimizing features, including the Cost-Optimizing Calculator, simplify transportation cost analysis:

1. Precision in Analysis: Shiperone empowers shippers to analyze transportation costs with precision. Gain insights into every facet of your transportation expenditure, eliminating guesswork.

2. Route Optimization: Shiperone Workflows goes beyond basic calculations, ensuring each shipment takes the most cost-effective path. Goodbye to unnecessary mileage and unexpected costs.

3. Budget Control: Shiperone ensures seamless budget control by providing accurate cost projections. Plan and allocate resources effectively, ensuring every dollar spent aligns with the overall budget.

Embrace the power of collaboration and efficient cost management. Watch your logistics operation transform into a more profitable and customer-centric landscape.

Understanding the Crucial Realities of Demurrage and Detention

November 13, 2023

Understanding the Crucial Realities of Demurrage and Detention

By: Sarjak Sheth23 min

How to

Demurrage and Detention stand as formidable challenges in the shipping industry. From shippers to cargo owners, these terms have cast a shadow over everyone involved, leading to a less-than-smooth journey.

Navigating Demurrage and Detention in Container Shipping

While it's widely known that these charges are imposed on merchants for exceeding the free time allocated for container use, understanding the nuanced differences between demurrage and detention is crucial. Delve deeper into the intricacies of these charges to navigate the complexities of the shipping world effectively.

What is Demurrage?

Demurrage is a fee imposed on the consignee for the use of the container within the terminal beyond the free time period. Often, ports and terminals allow importers to store goods or containers for a number of ‘free’ days, after which charges are applied.

Usually, for imports, the shipping line allows free days of storage, after which they will be charged. The demurrage fees vary from carrier to carrier, between ports, and depending on the type of container used.

What is Detention?

Detention refers to the charges that the merchant pays for the use of the container outside of the terminal or depot, beyond the free time period. As soon as the container is discharged from the vessel and is taken from the port to the buyer’s premises, it must be offloaded and returned to the port within a certain time frame.

If the consignee fails to return the empty container, the carrier will start charging the consignee after a certain number of days. (https://unctad.org/news/demurrage-and-detention-charges-container-shipping)

Demurrage and Detention Charges - Free Period

The demurrage and detention charges differ based on the ports and carriers. Also, the type of container influences the charges. The refrigerated containers attract higher charges than 20- or 40 feet dry containers.

The free period during which the dry containers can remain inside the port after discharge is five days. The carriers levy the demurrage fees on the sixth day itself. In case of refrigerated or reefer containers, the first three days are free, and from the fourth day on, the demurrage starts.

6 Factors Leading to Demurrage and Detention Charges

As we have already discussed what the charges are and how they are levied, what are the factors that lead to the charges? –(PREFERABLY PUT A POST FOR CHARGES WITH ONELINERS)

1. Port Congestion and Terminal Efficiency

Congestion, vessel wait periods, and container unloading and loading delays cost importers and exporters.

2. Documentation and Compliance Issues

Documentation and compliance are crucial in shipping. Ports may hold cargo due to paperwork errors or safety violations.

3. Labour Disputes and Strikes

Port worker strikes delay cargo handling and increase detention and demurrage fees. Unpredictable occurrences can affect entire supply lines.

4. Equipment shortfall and Imbalance

Container, chassis, and crane shortages can delay ports. Disparities in resource availability might worsen the issue and lead to charges.

5. Natural Disasters and Weather Conditions

Extreme weather and natural disasters can disrupt port operations. Hurricanes, typhoons, torrential rains, and floods can shut down ports and destroy port infrastructure.

6. Carrier-related Factors

Overbooking boats, inaccurate ETAs, and last-minute scheduling adjustments can cause delays and cargo holds. Inconvenient container placement can raise detention and demurrage expenses.

The factors leading to detention and demurrage charges in the shipping industry are complex and multifaceted. As importers, exporters, and shipping companies strive for seamless operations, they must address port congestion, documentation issues, and unforeseen disruptions with proactive approaches, thereby unlocking the potential for more efficient global trade.

How Demurrage and Detention are affecting the Shipping Industry

· Financial Burden: Detention and demurrage charges can impose a considerable financial burden on businesses involved in international trade. These charges are not only expensive but can quickly add up, eroding profit margins and hindering the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

· Disrupted Supply Chains: The timely movement of goods is crucial for efficient supply chains. Detained containers can disrupt the entire supply chain, leading to production delays, inventory shortages, and frustrated customers. The lack of predictability in container movements hampers the ability to plan and execute supply chain operations effectively.

· Compliance Challenges: Meeting regulatory requirements is a fundamental aspect of international trade. However, detention and demurrage issues can lead to compliance challenges, such as missed deadlines for customs clearance or inspections, potentially resulting in penalties and fines.

· Customer Satisfaction: In today's competitive market, meeting customer expectations is vital for any business. Delays caused by these charges can result in dissatisfied customers, damaging a company's reputation, and leading to lost business opportunities.

· Environmental Impact: Extended container holds contribute to higher carbon emissions. When vessels are forced to wait at ports for longer durations, they consume more fuel, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions and a negative impact on the environment.

The shipping industry faces significant challenges due to demurrage and detention. Understanding the factors that contribute to these charges and impacts is vital for importers, exporters, shipping lines, and other stakeholders to proactively address and mitigate these issues.

Reducing CO2 Emissions: Going Green in Logistics with Shiperone

October 29, 2023

Reducing CO2 Emissions: Going Green in Logistics with Shiperone

By: Sarjak Sheth23 min


Reducing CO2 Emissions: Going Green in Logistics

In a world increasingly focused on sustainability and environmental responsibility, the logistics industry is undergoing a green revolution. Shiperone Workflows, the trusted logistics technology partner is at the forefront of this transformation. We recognize the need to address CO2 emissions and are committed to helping businesses reduce their carbon footprint through innovative and eco-friendly logistics solutions. In this article, we'll delve into the crucial topic of CO2emissions and explore how Shiperone is shaping the future of green logistics.

Reducing CO2 Emissions: Going Green in Logistics with Shiperone

The Carbon Conundrum

CO2emissions from the transportation sector are a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. The logistics industry plays a pivotal role in this, with trucks, ships, planes, and trains crisscrossing the globe, carrying goods to meet the demands of modern commerce. However, with the increasing awareness of climate change and environmental degradation, businesses are undermounting pressure to reduce their carbon footprint.

Shiperone's Green Logistics Approach

Shiperone understands the challenges and complexities of modern logistics. We believe that going green doesn't mean sacrificing efficiency or profitability. In fact, green logistics can often lead to cost savings and enhanced brand reputation. Here's how Shiperone is helping businesses navigate the green logistics revolution:

Route Optimization:

Shiperone's advanced route optimization algorithms ensure that goods are transported using the most fuel-efficient routes. This reduces unnecessary mileage, fuel consumption, and ultimately, CO2emissions.

Mode Selection:

Our platform allows businesses to choose the most environmentally friendly transportation modes, such as rail or sea freight, over air travel whenever possible. This simple switch can significantly cut emissions.

Load Optimization:

Shiperone optimizes cargo loads to maximize transportation efficiency. This means fewer trips, less fuel consumption, and a reduced carbon footprint.

Alternative Fuels:

We encourage the adoption of alternative fuels, such as electric or hydrogen-powered vehicles, within our network. These cleaner energy sources are essential for reducing CO2 emissions in the long run.

Data-Driven Decisions:

Shiperone provides real-time data and analytics to help businesses track their carbon emissions, set reduction goals, and measure progress. This transparency is essential for informed decision-making.

Benefits of Green Logistics with Shiperone

‍Embracing green logistics with Shiperone offers several benefits:

Cost Savings:

By reducing fuel consumption and optimizingroutes, businesses can lower transportation costs and improve their bottomline.

Competitive Advantage:

Customers increasingly prefereco-friendly companies. Adopting green logistics practices can give yourbusiness a competitive edge in the market.

Environmental Responsibility:

Businesses that reduce their carbon footprint contribute to a more sustainable future and enhance their corporate social responsibility (CSR) image.

Regulatory Compliance:

As governments around the world implement stricter environmental regulations, green logistics practices can ensure compliance and avoid penalties.

Short Summary

The logistics industry is in the midst of a transformative shift towards green logistics, driven by the urgency of reducing CO2 emissions and combating climate change. Shiperone is your partner on this journey, providing innovative solutions to help your business navigate the challenges of sustainable logistics. By optimizing routes, embracing alternative fuels, and leveraging data-driven insights, you can reduce your carbon footprint while reaping the rewards of cost savings and enhanced brand reputation. Join us in shaping a greener, more sustainable future for logistics with Shiperone.

Breaking Free from Email in Logistics

October 11, 2023

Breaking Free from Email in Logistics

By: Sarjak Sheth23 min


In the dynamic world of logistics, where the seamless flow of goods fuels global trade, innovation is indispensable. However, amidst all the progress, one outdated tool persists - email. Surprisingly, emails can harm productivity and affect the well-being of logistics professionals. This article delves into the issue of email overload in logistics and presents a transformative solution by Shiperone Workflows to foster a healthier work environment in logistics.

Unchaining Efficiency and Well-being in Logistics: Breaking free from Email

The Challenge of Email Overload in Logistics

Emails, once ruled as a communication medium, have become a time-consuming challenge. In the logistics realm, where timing is paramount, email burden can become overwhelming. Inboxes become overloaded, and critical messages get buried. This delay can result in missed deadlines, a significant predicament in an industry where time is of the essence. Prolonged email threads also impede decision-making, adversely affecting logistics companies' efficiency.

Impeding Logistics Workflow

Precise timing is imperative in logistics, and email-related issues can disrupt the supply chain. Effective communication between departments, suppliers, carriers, and clients is essential. Unfortunately, lengthy email exchanges and delays often lead to confusion and errors. Vital documents such as shipping instructions and customs paperwork are commonly shared via email, causing potential mistakes and delays.

Shiperone's “Workflows” Solution: Unlocking Benefits

In today's world, everything has become more easily-digestable, so it's not difficult to envision a world where information is also exchanged in a smoother and easier way. Imagine a world where emails play a less central role. Shiperone Workflows can make this vision a reality, delivering a multitude of advantages:

Enhanced Efficiency: Shiperone Workflows facilitates real-time updates, streamlined process tracking, and seamless collaboration, expediting decision-making in logistics.

Improved Well-being: Excessive emails can induce stress. Shiperone Workflows approach alleviates this digital overload, enabling employees to concentrate and feel better.

Enhanced Collaboration: Shiperone Workflow fosters improved teamwork, enhancing overall team cohesion.

Robust Security: Traditional emails are susceptible to cyber threats. Shiperone Workflows fortifies data security, safeguarding sensitive information.

Embracing a New Email-free Era

The logistics industry is ripe for technological advancement. Excessive reliance one mails slows progress and impacts the well-being of logistics professionals. Shiperone Workflows software offers a definitive solution where efficiency and employee well-being go hand in hand.

Shiperone's transformative changes empower companies to:

Operate with greater efficiency.

Keep employees content and stress-free.

Thrive in a competitive industry.

In the swiftly evolving logistics sector, Shiperone leads the way, promising better flow of operations, empowered and relieved professionals, and a prosperous future for logistics.

API'tite for Security: Feeding the Security Hunger in Logistics

September 28, 2023

API'tite for Security: Feeding the Security Hunger in Logistics

By: Gaurav Chavan23 min


In today's fast-paced logistics world, handling intricate workflows with safety can be areal puzzle. Keeping important data safe now hinges on API security, however, this is an area where a lot of companies don't have much expertise. What Shiperone Workflows offers is not just simplifying complex logistics processes, but also ensuring their security.

API'tite for Security: Feeding the Security Hunger in Logistics

Enhanced User Experience and Consistency

One of the standout features of Shiperone Workflows is its dedication to enhancing the user experience and ensuring consistency. Imagine a world where you no longer need to tangle with multiple to-do lists or wrestle with booking templates just to add a customer to the "Customer" dropdown menus. Shiperone Workflows allows you to easily handle these tasks, making the process for logistics professionals smoother and safer.

Integration Made Smooth

Shiperone Workflows offers a reliable hand when it comes to integration. Each component has its very own identity, creating an enchanting process for replicating and integrating pages from various applications, including SAP and more. Updating a booking or tweaking values? It's as simple as wielding the booking ID and component ID, making integration so much easier.

Strengthening Security through Industry Standards

In addition to simplifying intricate workflows, Shiperone places a strong emphasis on security. Employing industry-standard security practices, including the use of client secret and client ID, ensures the safety of your logistics data. Similar to the tech giants like Microsoft, every company within Shiperone Workflows receives a unique Company ID, which functions like a personalized username. To grant third-party applications access to your data via APIs, companies can create an API Access Token. Paired with the Company ID, this token unlocks a JWT token valid for 24 hours, creating a solid defense for the data.

Shiperone also grants its users the power to revoke access effortlessly by deleting the API access token. This level of control guarantees that third-party applications can no longer access the data, enhancing the security of logistics operations.

In summary, Shiperone Workflows is making waves in the logistics world by simplifying complexity and raising the bar on security. With a focus on user experience, magical integration capabilities, and adherence to industry-standard security practices, they're a game-changer for the logistics industry.

Stay tuned for more insights on how workflow solutions are shaping the future of logistics.

Burnout on the Rise: The Urgent Need for Stress Management in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

August 16, 2023

Burnout on the Rise: The Urgent Need for Stress Management in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

By: Sarjak Sheth23 min


Burnout, a state characterised by physical, emotional, and mental depletion, is emerging as a global crisis. Nowhere is this reality more palpable than within the labyrinthine realms of logistics and supply chain management. So, what to do about it?

Stress Management in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

These vital sectors, responsible for orchestrating the seamless flow of goods and services, bear the weight of stringent deadlines, intricate operations, and ceaseless pressure. Prolonged exposure to unrelenting stress, combined with an absence of sufficient reprieve, can lead to diminished productivity, waning job satisfaction, and even severe health concerns. The logistics and supply chain sectors, operating around the clock and dealing with high-stakes decision-making, are particularly susceptible to the insidious grip of burnout.

Stress Management Challenges in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

The logistics and supply chain domains stand as integral pillars within modern economies, facilitating the seamless transit of goods from producer to consumer. These multifaceted industries encompass an expansive array of functions, encompassing transportation, warehousing, inventory oversight, and order fulfilment. Professionals in these sectors encounter a medley of stressors, including:

Tight Deadlines: The urgency of time-sensitive operations and the rapid tempo of deliveries heap substantial pressure on workers, demanding a perpetually high performance threshold.

Uncertainty: Oscillating market dynamics, supply chain disruptions, and unforeseen events like natural calamities usher in an element of unpredictability, amplifying stress levels for practitioners.

Coordination Challenges:{" "} Orchestrating and managing an extensive network of suppliers, carriers, and stakeholders mandates precision, contributing to formidable mental strain.

24/7 Operations: The logistics realm is in perpetual motion, exacting the toll of irregular working hours, sleep disturbances, and the subsequent fatigue.

Technological Complexity: Ongoing technological advancements necessitate continuous adaptation, fostering sentiments of inadequacy and stress.

Four Preventive Measures for Stress Management

Prioritising effective stress management stands as an indispensable endeavor to protect the well-being and efficacy of those working within logistics and supply chain sectors. Farsighted organisations acknowledge the perils of burnout and undertake proactive strategies to alleviate stress, such as:

Equipe stress management tools and resources for employees, so that they are poised to navigate high-pressure scenarios, sustaining optimal productivity.

Elevating employee well-being, which engenders greater job contentment, decreasing absenteeism, and cultivating improved mental and physical health.

Nurturing a supportive work milieu accentuating stress management is an effective means of attracting top-tier talent and fostering enduring employee loyalty.

Using Shiperone Workflows, which is an ingenious tool meticulously fashioned to refine logistics and supply chain operations. while counteracting stress and burnout among professionals. Leveraging technology, this platform automates and optimises various facets of supply chain management, thereby liberating employees to focus on strategic decision-making, transcending the tedium of repetitive tasks.

Key Features of Shiperone Workflows

Task Automation: This platform ingeniously automates mundane activities like order processing, documentation, and shipment tracking, effectively lightening the workload on logistics professionals.

Real-time Insights: Shiperone Workflows furnishes real-time data and analytics, empowering employees to make swift, well-informed decisions.

Collaborative Ecosystem: The tool fosters seamless collaboration among team members, suppliers, and collaborators, thereby augmenting communication and mitigating coordination challenges.

Stress-Reduction Strategies: Shiperone Workflows thoughtfully integrates stress-reduction techniques, encompassing mindfulness exercises and timely break reminders, within its interface, actively promoting employee well-being.

In conclusion, as the specter of burnout looms large across industries, the logistics and supply chain domains confront a unique set of challenges in preserving well-being and nurturing a motivated workforce. Stress management emerges as a sine qua non for any progressive organisation poised to thrive within an increasingly competitive global landscape. Shiperone Workflows emerges as a beacon of hope for these sectors, presenting a comprehensive solution that optimises operations, and lightens the burden on professionals, contributing to a more resilient, productive workforce. By affording primacy to stress management and embracing innovative tools, companies stand poised to cultivate an environment that not only safeguards the well-being of their employees but also paves the path to sustained triumph and expansion within the logistics and supply chain realms.

Last mile delivery for seamless connectivity

August 01, 2023

Last mile delivery for seamless connectivity

By: Gaurav Chavan23 min

How to

Did you know that the last mile delivery industry comprises 53% of the overall shipping costs and is valued at 151.87 billion in 2022? Companies usually absorb around 25% of the cost themselves, but this percentage is on the rise due to the growing expenses associated with supply chain inefficiencies.

Last mile delivery in logistics

In 2022, around{" "} 159 billion parcels {" "} were delivered, and it is predicted to reach 256 billion parcels by 2027. With this growth, the entire market will face new challenges, contributing to the rise in ongoing inflation.

Difficulties associated with last mile delivery

This complex chain comes with numerous challenges. But one of the major challenges that remain is lack of visibility. Navigating through congested urban environments, unpredictable traffic patterns, and non-standardised addresses poses logistical hurdles that can impede timely and efficient delivery.

Additionally, the ever-increasing customer expectations for quick and flexible delivery options further intensify the challenges. Also, the rise of e-commerce introduced a need for third-party logistics firms (3PLs), which have filled delivery gaps, but have made fulfilment more complex for shippers. Unpredictable fuel prices and increased labour costs add to the pile.

Ultimately, balancing cost-effectiveness with exceptional customer service, managing the complexities of reverse logistics, and optimising routes to ensure minimal travel time are all obstacles that businesses face in the quest for successful last mile delivery.

Fastest-Growing Segment in the last-mile delivery market

Based on the multiple modes and attributes, the last-mile delivery market is segmented by delivery mode, application, destination, service type, vehicle type, and mode of operations. All of these segments contribute significantly to the market, but the core segment remains the service type that includes Business-to-Business, Business-to-Customer, and Customer-to-Customer.

According to the survey, it is stated that in the coming years, B2C will expand significantly compared to the B2B segment. B2C-type last-mile delivery focuses on delivering shipments and items from nearby transportation hubs to final customers. The B2C segment has shown a gradual increase due to the digitalization and emergence of multiple technologies.

Key regions for the last mile delivery market

Asia-Pacific countries (APAC) are projected to contribute around 40% of growth by 2027 in the last-mile delivery industry. China being the major contributor in APAC, with around 28% over the last five years, other countries are working rigorously to enhance and improve their last mile logistics by adopting various technologies. Moreover, with the presence of global players and the population at its centre, APAC has been witnessing rapid growth in the number of small and medium-sized regional e-commerce players. Therefore, the growing e-commerce sector will boost demand for last-mile delivery services in this region.

Last mile delivery in logistics
Asia-Pacific Region

7 last mile logistics smart solutions for effortless connectivity

1. Route Optimisation: Optimising delivery routes using advanced software solutions allows businesses to reduce travel time, fuel consumption, and transportation costs. By leveraging route optimisation tools tailored for location and city, companies can navigate congested areas, avoid roadblocks, and ensure efficient last mile logistics.

2. Real-Time Tracking and Communication: Integrating GPS tracking, real-time updates, and mobile applications improves visibility and communication during the transportation of goods. This allows for better monitoring, coordination, and timely updates for both customers and delivery personnel.

3. Strategic Partnerships: Forming partnerships with local delivery services in your location or city expands your delivery reach and leverages existing expertise and infrastructure. By tapping into their local knowledge and established networks, businesses can optimise routes, reduce delivery times, and deliver products more efficiently.

4. Address Verification: Implementing address verification tools helps ensure accurate and standardised addresses for successful deliveries. This reduces the chances of failed deliveries, enhances first-time delivery rates, and improves overall efficiency.

5. Flexible Delivery Options: Offering flexible delivery options tailored to the preferences of customers in a location or city can significantly improve last mile delivery success rates. Providing specific time slots, alternative pickup locations, or even self-service lockers caters to the varying needs of customers, driving customer satisfaction and boosting business reputation.

6. Optimise Operations with Analytics: Leverage data analytics and machine learning algorithms to analyse historical delivery data, identify demand patterns, and optimise inventory placement. By making data-driven decisions, businesses in [location or city] can streamline operations, minimise stockouts, and improve last mile delivery efficiency.

7. Reverse Logistics Optimisation: Streamline the process of returns and reverse logistics by implementing efficient procedures for product pickups, inspections, and exchanges. This minimises delays, reduces costs, and improves overall customer satisfaction.

By adopting these points, businesses can overcome the challenges associated with last mile delivery and ensure efficient, timely, and satisfactory experiences for their customers.

Sources: Insider Intelligence
InsightAce Analytics

Celebrating 1,000 Bookings and 15,000+ To Dos

July 31, 2023

Celebrating 1,000 Bookings and 15,000+ To Dos

By: Aditya Bidwai23 min


Shiperone Workflows, a part of Shiperone.com, is breaking barriers and celebrating two major milestones, capturing the attention of the entire logistics industry. With unbridled joy and a sense of accomplishment, the unified logistics management platform, proudly announced the completion of 1,000 bookings and more than 15,000 to-dos handled expertly.

Celebrating 1,000 bookings and 15,000+ To Dos Shiperone Workflows Success

Reinventing Logistics Excellence

Since the launch of Shiperone Workflows at TNL, Munich in May 2023, the logistics landscape witnesses a paradigm shift as Shiperone Workflows achieves the remarkable feat of its first 1,000 bookings. We are very proud of that!

The platform's innovative approach has revolutionised how businesses manage their shipping processes, bringing unparalleled efficiency and organisation to logistics operations. Our platform has emerged as the go-to solution for businesses looking to optimise their supply chain, reduce the number of emails to zero (0), and ensure timely deliveries.

Harnessing the Power of Collaboration

Beyond numbers, Shiperone Workflows demonstrates the power of teamwork, evident in the triumphant 15,000 to-dos accomplished. The platform acts as a dynamic hub, facilitating seamless communication and coordination within logistics teams. Armed with real-time tracking and timely updates, logistics professionals worldwide have united their efforts, ensuring tasks are completed with synchronised precision.

Mr. Sarjak Sheth, CEO, Shiperone.com, stated, "It is a proud moment for me, my team, and every other individual associated with Shiperone Workflows. The platform has so much to offer its users, and since its launch in TNL, Munich, in the month of May, the response has been overwhelming. I am thankful to all, and 1,000+ bookings with 15,000+ to-dos in merely two months is definitely something to celebrate about".

The platform's dedication to innovation and customer-centric solutions remains unwavering. With its finger on the pulse of the industry, Shiperone.com is set to redefine logistics management, empowering businesses with the tools they need to thrive.

7 ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform supply chain management

July 11, 2023

7 ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform supply chain management

By: Sarjak Sheth23 min

How to

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has altered the way we used to see the world. Everything that we ever thought or wished for is now available to us by merely asking. AI has transformed numerous industries and is now a crucial tool that nobody can ignore. And speaking of the dynamic world of the logistics industry, AI is making its mark.

7 ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform supply chain management

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has altered the way we used to see the world. Everything that we ever thought or wished for is now available to us by merely asking. AI has transformed numerous industries and is now a crucial tool that nobody can ignore. And speaking of the dynamic world of the logistics industry, AI is making its mark.

Logistics and Artificial Intelligence are going hand in hand, and logistics companies are adopting various technologies to gain a competitive edge in today's fast-paced market. From demand forecasting and inventory management to predictive maintenance and real-time visibility, AI in the supply chain can deliver powerful optimisation capabilities.

We give you 7 ways of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform your supply chain management:‍

  1. ‍Enhanced Demand Forecasting and Planning
    AI algorithms excel at analysing historical data, market trends, customer behaviour, and other relevant factors to provide accurate demand forecasts. By leveraging AI-powered demand forecasting, businesses can optimise inventory levels, production schedules, and resource allocation. This leads to reduced costs associated with excess inventory and stockouts while also improving customer satisfaction through improved product availability.
  2. Optimised Inventory Management
    AI's ability to continuously monitor and analyse real-time data, such as supplier performance, lead times, and customer demand patterns, enables efficient inventory management. AI algorithms can help organisations minimise stockouts, reduce excess inventory, and improve cash flow. By having the right products in the right quantities at the right time, businesses can streamline their operations and reduce costs significantly.
  3. Predictive Maintenance
    AI-powered predictive analytics is a game-changer for supply chain maintenance. By analysing data from sensors and equipment logs, AI algorithms can identify patterns and indicators of impending equipment failures. This enables proactive maintenance interventions, reduces equipment downtime, and optimises maintenance schedules. As a result, businesses can enhance operational efficiency, minimise disruptions, and avoid costly emergency repairs.
  4. Route Optimisation
    Efficient transportation is crucial for supply chain success, and AI can optimise transportation routes like never before. AI algorithms take into account various factors such as distance, traffic conditions, weather conditions, delivery schedules, and vehicle capacities. By finding the most efficient routes, AI can reduce fuel consumption, transportation costs, and delivery time. This optimisation not only improves operational efficiency but also reduces carbon emissions, aligning with sustainability goals.
  5. Supplier Selection and Risk Management
    AI can play a vital role in supplier selection and risk management. By analysing data from multiple sources, including supplier performance metrics, market information, and external risk factors, AI algorithms can assess supplier reliability and identify potential risks. This enables businesses to make informed decisions regarding supplier selection, negotiation, and risk mitigation, ensuring a resilient and dependable supply chain.‍
  6. Warehouse Optimisation
    Efficient warehouse operations are essential for smooth supply chain management, and AI can optimise warehouse processes. AI algorithms analyse historical data, order patterns, and product characteristics to determine the most efficient placement of products, optimise picking routes, and enhance the overall warehouse layout. This optimisation improves order fulfilment rates, reduces operational costs, and enables businesses to meet customer demands effectively.
  7. Real-time Visibility
    AI-powered systems provide real-time visibility into the supply chain by integrating data from various sources, such as suppliers, manufacturers, logistics providers, and retailers. This enables businesses to track inventory levels, monitor shipments, identify bottlenecks, and respond quickly to disruptions or changes in demand. Real-time visibility empowers organisations to make data-driven decisions, improve responsiveness, and enhance overall supply chain agility.

Artificial Intelligence in supply chain management can help organisations streamline their operations, reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction, and adapt quickly to changing market conditions. As the technology continues to advance, businesses that harness the power of AI in their supply chain optimisation efforts will be poised for long-term success in the increasingly complex and demanding global marketplace.

Eco-logistics help marine ecosystems

July 04, 2023

Eco-logistics help marine ecosystems

By: Marvin Kröger23 min

How to

The need for eco-logistics was felt with a constant increase in the harmful effects of shipping and logistics on the environment and marine fauna and flora. The marine environment is adversely affected by the underwater noise produced by ships, ballast water discharge, and ship strikes.

Eco Logistics help marine ecosystems

The global shipping and logistics industry disrupts the communication, navigation, and feeding patterns of marine mammals, fish, and other organisms that threaten marine life, causing injuries and fatalities, especially for endangered species. Moreover, the discharge of ballast water can introduce non-native species, leading to the displacement of native organisms and an ecological imbalance.‍

If we, as a global industry, can do something, Wait, what? Yes, we can! Ecological logistics can help marine ecosystems. How? We give you five ways shipping companies can help marine ecosystems by adopting eco logistics:

1. Reduced emissions and pollution: By optimising transport routes, using energy-efficient vehicles, and adopting alternative fuels, companies help reduce air and water pollution, including harmful emissions such as greenhouse gases and air pollutants.

2. Mitigation of underwater noise: Initiatives such as slow steaming or using quieter propulsion systems, can help reduce underwater noise pollution.

3. Prevention of invasive species: By implementing ballast water treatment technologies and complying with regulations, shipping companies ensure that discharged ballast water is free from harmful species. This helps protect native marine fauna and flora from the negative ecological effects caused by invasive species.

4. Protection of sensitive marine habitats: By avoiding or reducing vessel traffic in these areas, the risk of physical damage or disturbance to these habitats and the species that depend on them is minimised. This supports the conservation and preservation of diverse marine ecosystems.

5. Collaboration for conservation: Collaboration among stakeholders, including shipping companies, government agencies, and environmental organisations, facilitates knowledge sharing, research initiatives, and the development of best practises for the protection of marine environments.

Eco-logistics as a distinguishing factor

One of the many efficient initiatives to combat the deteriorating ecological impact is the use of environmentally friendly practises. It is the distinguishing factor among the companies in logistics that implement sustainable practises for their logistics management. It helps the logistics sector overcome obstacles in the most efficient way. So, let’s set sail for eco-logistics!

Also read{" "} ‘Green Logistics: 10 environmentally friendly strategies’

Green Logistics: 10 environmentally friendly strategies

June 26, 2023

Green Logistics: 10 environmentally friendly strategies

By: Sarjak Sheth23 min

How to

We all must have heard of sustainable shipping and gone green somewhere or other in our day-to-day lives. The topic is not new to us, and in today’s world where environmental concerns are at the forefront, the concept of green logistics has become a crucial element. Apparently, many believe that environmentally friendly logistics are only about reducing carbon emissions. But it focuses on many other factors in the supply chain than just carbon emissions. To understand how it impacts transportation and logistics businesses, we must first understand what it is.

Green logistics: 10 environmentally friendly strategies

What is Green Logistics?

Also known as eco logistics, green logistics is a set of sustainable logistics practises and measures in supply chain management and transportation operations. It aims at minimising the negative impact of logistics operations such as transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and distribution on the environment. It encompasses various strategies and initiatives emphasising carbon footprint, energy consumption, waste generation, and resource depletion throughout the supply chain processes.

How does adopting environmentally friendly strategies benefit the logistics sector?

Adding green logistics solutions to the entire supply chain can help companies bring economic and ecological balance to their businesses. Here are ten environmentally friendly strategies we can think of:

1. Supply Chain Optimisation: By integrating sustainability considerations into supplier selection, companies can choose partners with eco-friendly practises and ethical sourcing policies. Implementing demand forecasting tools and collaborative planning can also reduce inefficiencies and optimise inventory levels, leading to reduced waste and improved resource utilisation.

2. Mode Shifting and Route Optimisation: Companies can prioritise rail or sea freight over road transportation for long-distance shipments, as these modes typically have lower carbon footprints. Additionally, optimising delivery routes through advanced route planning systems can reduce mileage, fuel consumption, and emissions while improving on-time delivery performance.

3. Eco-friendly Packaging and Reverse Logistics: Using recyclable or biodegradable materials and optimising packaging design can significantly reduce the environmental impact of shipping. Moreover, implementing reverse logistics practises, such as product returns and recycling programmes, allows businesses to recover value from returned items and reduce landfill waste.

4. Technology Integration: Businesses can utilise real-time data analytics and tracking systems to optimise fleet management, monitor fuel consumption, and identify areas for improvement. Furthermore, adopting automated warehouse systems and using cloud-based logistics platforms can streamline operations, improve efficiency, and reduce paperwork, leading to significant resource and cost savings.

5. Collaboration and Partnerships: By working together, companies can share best practises, align sustainability goals, and jointly develop innovative solutions. Partnerships with green transportation providers and logistics service providers can also contribute to reducing emissions and promoting sustainable practises throughout the supply chain.

6. Energy Efficiency and Alternative Fuels: Companies can invest in energy-efficient vehicles and equipment, such as electric or hybrid trucks, and optimise fuel consumption through driver training programmes and vehicle maintenance. Exploring the use of alternative fuels like biodiesel, natural gas, or hydrogen can further reduce carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

7. Green Warehousing and Facilities: Companies can optimise warehouse layouts to reduce energy consumption and improve space utilisation. Installing energy-efficient lighting systems, utilising renewable energy sources like solar panels, and implementing waste management systems can further enhance sustainability and reduce environmental impact.

8. Continuous Improvement and Performance Measurement: Key performance indicators (KPIs) related to carbon emissions, energy consumption, waste reduction, and cost savings should be established and tracked. By analysing data and benchmarking against industry standards, companies can identify areas for improvement and implement continuous optimisation strategies.

9. Regulatory Compliance and Certification: Companies should ensure compliance with local and international environmental regulations, such as emissions standards and waste disposal requirements. Additionally, pursuing certifications like ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) can demonstrate commitment to sustainability and provide a competitive edge.

10. Employee Engagement and Training: Raising awareness about the environmental impact of logistics activities and involving employees in finding innovative solutions can generate valuable ideas and drive behavioural change. Training programmes can also equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement green practises effectively.

By adopting green supply chain management practises, companies can achieve competitive advantages in their businesses and assess their current operations, set clear sustainability goals, and develop an action plan with specific initiatives and timelines.

Importance of Application Security

June 19, 2023

Importance of Application Security

By: Marvin Kröger23 min

Technology & Trends

In today's world, where digitalization is at its height and software dominates the globe, it has become important to take the credibility and dependability of technology into account. Everything we do while using applications involves fetching our data somehow. Generally, while using an application, we tend to overlook web application security and software safety. But what are the consequences of ignoring application safety measures?

Well, there are multiple possibilities that are currently popping up in our minds. And somehow, at this very moment, we are made to think about and reconsider all the applications that we must be using. Nobody wants to fall prey to cyberattacks!

Application Security

Why Application Security Matters?

The safety of any application is just like the safety of our homes; it defines how safe we are within the four walls. We would not like anyone breaking into our homes, and similarly, we would not like anyone breaching our data privacy and confidentiality.

Application security is equally important in today’s world. Almost every application is easily accessible across several networks and connected to the cloud, which increases their exposure to security and data threats. Even though this might seem insignificant, application security is crucial since even a slight failure can expose users, and everyone linked to it to online dangers. The data captured by Shiperone.com is kept confidential at every stage. To ensure the safety and security of our applications, we adhere to all requisite precautionary measures.

How do we ensure data security?

Our infrastructure is hosted on the{" "} Amazon Web Services (AWS) {" "} cloud, and our overall architectural designs are secured with multiple security parameters. On the other hand, our application is VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) tested, which provides us with a detailed view of threats and enables us to protect the systems and data from malicious attacks. Apart from these, we also use various tools for data encryption while in motion and at rest. Information security and data loss prevention are the need of the hour.

At every stage, we make sure our clients experience the digital world free from threats or breaches. Also, our strong cyber security measures ensure not only our company’s data protection but also that of our customers. Ultimately, the implementation of security protocols serves to enhance trust and assurance between the application and its clients.

What do we do to ensure application security?

• Encrypted authentication

• Firmly adhere to all the principles

• Apply network security measures

• Store private data within internal storage

• Share data securely across apps

• Perform strong security checks

• Encrypt data

Complying with GDPR Law

We at Shiperone.com believe in working in a safe and sound environment, and likewise, we want our users to feel the same. To ensure our users’ safety, we thoroughly adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) while collecting and storing personal information about them.

In accordance with GDPR regulations, we

• Ask the user before collecting his personal data

• Being responsible for all the collected data

• Do not share data with other entities without the consent of the user

• Ensure that all the personal data both at rest and in flight, is encrypted

• Use various tools to update or remove personal data, verify, and document the operations. (We do not do this one)

• Maintain two off-site backup copies of personal data

Apart from these, we use cookies to provide a user with a means of opting out of cookie usage. We use cookies to provide a better experience for our users.

Our{" "} privacy policy {" "} also indicates all the{" "} terms and conditions, {" "} along with the legality of using our website.

Foldable Trucks at TNL Munich

May 25, 2023

Foldable Trucks at TNL Munich

By: Aditya Bidwai23 min


From Beach themed booth to an unexpected twist in the form of foldable trucks, Shiperone.com left attendees of TNL Munich amazed and entertained. And as interactive and informative as the exhibition; it was equally fun!

Foldable Truck at TNL Munich

While every booth at TNL had its own offerings, Shiperone.com took a simple concept like foldable trucks and turned it into something truly captivating. Visitors, ranging from college students to influential leaders, found themselves engrossed in the art of folding these trucks.

The fascination behind transforming a flat piece of material into a three-dimensional truck sparked the inner child in everyone, making it a memorable experience. Many visitors were so captivated by the concept that they decided to take the foldable trucks with them for their children. Some of them even tried to ‘steal’ them from the pile… 😉

Shiperone.com Foldable Truck

The allure of the foldable trucks went beyond mere amusement. Additionally, a few youngsters engaged in a friendly competition wherein whoever finished folding the truck successfully received a reward of ten euros. These competitions added a touch of excitement and camaraderie, turning the Shiperone.com booth into a hub of friendly competition and laughter.

Overall, Shiperone.com's contribution to TNL Munich exemplified how logistics can be made easy, engaging, and entertaining.

Shiperone Workflows successfully launched at Transport Logistics, Munich

May 18, 2023

Shiperone Workflows successfully launched at Transport Logistics, Munich

By: Sarjak Sheth23 min


Shiperone.com successfully introduced ‘Shiperone Workflows’ at the Transport Logistics Exhibition that took place in Munich, Germany, from May 9th to May 12th.

Launch Shiperone Workflows TNL Munich

The beach-themed booth attracted many visitors and stood out in the crowd. Driving the wave of change in the logistics industry, Shiperone Workflows gained immense response. More than 150 customers put their faith in the product and walked towards making shipping and logistics easier and more organised. These customers lead the industry and believe in bringing innovation, technology, and growth to the industry.

The one-on-one product demonstration highlighted the ways the product can resolve logistics operational challenges. The user-friendly platform aims at streamlining logistics operations by reducing the threats that arise from improper planning, constantly tracking assigned tasks, and overcoming the unseen challenges.

A big hit – TNL Exhibition

The international industry trade fair for logistics, mobility IT, and supply chain altogether had 2320 exhibitors from 67 countries and more than 75,000 visitors from over 120 countries. The numbers speak for themselves. Also, the share of international visitors rose to over fifty percent, making it the highest it has ever been.

With over 50 presentations and panel discussions and more than 250 experts, the transport logistics top-class conference programme addresses what moves the logistics industry and provides know-how on hot topics, innovations, and trends. The exhibition served as a platform to exchange ideas and thoughts in order to attain efficiency and effectiveness in the entire supply chain.

CMO of Shiperone.com at TNL

Hans Dekker, CMO, Shiperone.com at TNL stated, "The Transport Logistics Exhibition at Munich gave us an opportunity to introduce our newest venture, "Shiperone Workflows," to the world, and I am proud to state that the response we received was overwhelming. Going ahead, Shiperone Workflows will transcend the boundaries of the logistics industry and offer an ultimate solution for all the logistics challenges".

See what a digital platform can do for your company

May 04, 2023

See what a digital platform can do for your company

By: Marvin Kröger23 min


Curious what a digital platform can do for your shipping company?

What a digital platform can do for your shipping company

Check out the video and get acquainted with Shiperone, your freight forwarding backbone. See what a digital platform can do for your company.

Watch the video here.
Shiperone Workflows to set a benchmark for the logistics industry at TNL, Munich

April 25, 2023

Shiperone Workflows to set a benchmark for the logistics industry at TNL, Munich

By: Sarjak Sheth23 min


Shiperone.com is all set to create history in the logistics industry with its newest venture, Shiperone Workflows, at the Transport Logistics (TNL) Exhibition in May 2023. The TNL Exhibition will be held in Munich, Germany, from May 9th to May 12th, 2023.

Banner image for the Transpot Logistics Exhibition in Munich, on which are 4 profile pictures of Sarjak Sheth, Hans Dekker, Marvin Kroeger and Nilesh Jadhav.

Designed to eradicate challenges in the logistics industry

Since the inception of Shiperone.com (2022), this startup has been constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible with the latest technology and how it can transform and digitalize the logistics industry.

Shiperone Workflows is specially designed to eradicate unseen and ever-growing challenges in the logistics industry by automating tasks and optimising workflows. The platform aims to transform the way the logistics industry operates by connecting the dots. It enables users to assign and keep track of their shipment activities for a hassle-free logistics process.

The user-friendly platform aims to ease the shipping process by

  • Reducing the threats that arise from improper planning
  • Constantly tracking assigned tasks
  • Overcoming the unseen challenges

At the TNL Exhibition, Shiperone.com will showcase why Shiperone Workflows is the best tool for logistics operations and how it can be used to streamline logistics operations.

CEO’s take on Shiperone Workflows

Sarjak Sheth, CEO, Shiperone.com, stated, "We are excited to announce our participation in the upcoming TNL exhibition in Germany. We are looking forward to connecting with other professionals in the industry, sharing our knowledge and expertise, and learning from others while also continuing to drive innovation. We believe that through this platform, we can fill the gaps and accelerate growth in logistics."

The exhibition brings together industry experts and investment decision-makers from all over the world. The comprehensive platform provides an opportunity to discuss the most important issues affecting the industry today and bring innovation potential to light.

Visit Shiperone.com at the TNL Exhibition
Hall Number: A4
Booth Number: 346

Impact of Digitalization in Logistics Industry

April 12, 2023

Impact of Digitalization in Logistics Industry

By: Marvin Kröger23 min

Freight Insights

Digitalization has transformed the world by combining technologies and the intelligence of humans. Digitalization in the logistics industry aims to use digital technologies in logistical processes with the goal of enhancing companies efficiency. From fostering creativity to promoting innovations, digitalization has propelled businesses to adapt a new culture and review their operations for seamless trade.

It has become one of the core factors that drive organisations to understand market expectations and stand out against competitors to deliver an exceptional customer experience. So, how does digitalization affect your company?

Person on close-up holnding tablet on which screen is the Shiperone Workflows Platform.

Digitalization in the Logistics Industry

Like every other industry, logistics is highly influenced by the digital revolution. With new competitors in the market, increasing customer demand, and ever-changing world market, staying up-to-date is necessity that enhances the efficiency of services for growth and development. Technological advancement has led logistics processes:

  • to be quicker,
  • leaner,
  • and more efficient.

Digital technologies have helped logistic companies move a large amount of data faster at a fingertip. Apart from the data transfer, digital tools can boost understanding of market demand and the flow of shipments.

Apart from this, many technological changes that have taken place enhance the performance and reach the full capacity of transportation.

How does digitalization impact your business?

You must have heard of Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Machine Learning, and various technologies that are currently available in the market. Technological tools abolish the traditional way of transportation, where the shippers had to go through the long process of bookings and maintaining long sheets of data.

Tracking and rerouting of consignments are made possible with the help of digital tools. It has become convenient for shippers to plan their operations and take quick yet effective decisions. Although digitalization has eased the logistics process, there are certain challenges that remain and need to be addressed on a single platform.

Challenges the Logistics Industry is facing

Logistics is continuously evolving to promote trade and satisfy the e-commerce market. However, the unavoidable factors create a dire need for effective control and communication.

Although there are several factors that may hamper the flow of consignments, one of the most common is communication. From picking up the consignment to final delivery of the product, communication plays a vital role in painting an entire picture of the goods’ flow. Fragmented or distorted communication adversely impacts delivery times and efficiency. Also, manually tracking the consignment seems like an impossible task. As every task is interlinked with the others, a mere glitch or delay in performing a single task may result in huge losses to all the parties associated with the consignment.

Today, the biggest logistics organisations face difficulties pertaining to proper planning and transparency.

  • Delayed delivery;
  • Limited visibility of shipments;
  • Inconsistent tracking;
  • Increasing transportation costs;
  • Reliable carrier capacity.

All these variables working simultaneously make it challenging for firms to meet client needs. They ask questions like ‘How to track your shipment?’, or ‘How to trace shipment activities?’, and ‘Why is the documentation procedure taking so long?’

These are, of course, questions that constantly cross our minds. But what if there was a digital solution that addressed all your logistics concerns on a single platform.

Challenges the Logistics Industry is facing

Shiperone Workflows is an interface logistics platform specially designed to enable customers to assign their shipment activities to vendors and trace them accordingly for a hassle-free logistics process. The user-friendly platform aims to ease the shipping process by:

  • mitigating the risks of improper planning,
  • maintaining consistent tracking of every assigned task,
  • and fixing any issues that may arise during transportation.

Driving to deliver the best, Shiperone Workflows is a step forward to a new era of digital logistics. There are several features that give a broad understanding of the flow of cargo with a single click.

How Shiperone Workflows can help you streamline your shipment

April 09, 2023

How Shiperone Workflows can help you streamline your shipment

By: Marvin Kröger23 min

Product Updates

Choosing the right platform to digitalize your shipping process is as significant as choosing your business. Digitalizing your logistics process can help you in many ways that one can perceive. A good digital platform allows companies to freely communicate to enhance their productivity and efficiency. So, how does Shiperone Workflows help you streamline your shipment processes?

Person on close-up holnding tablet on which screen is the Shiperone Workflows Platform.

Shiperone Workflows is designed to speed up logistics operations through partial or full automation. It’s a digital platform that simplifies logistics and facilitates sustainable development while mitigating the challenges that remain. With the ever-growing demand due to the online market, managing the complex system of logistics to get the desired outcomes becomes very crucial. On the tip of one's finger, accurate and reliable information is now available.

Some of the key features of Shiperone Workflows that will aid you in streamlining your shipment process are:

● Unified platform for monitoring and tracking

The platform enables the stakeholders to monitor all the service providers' tasks and activities on a single screen. It helps users keep track of all that is going around their shipment.

● Assign activities to your vendors

It allows users to assign activities to their vendors with a minimal click. Users and vendors can view their activities in a list and calendar format to get an idea of all the activities that need to be performed.

● Configure your activities according to your consignments

It enables users to create a rule with a set of pre-defined activities to ease the assignment process. Users can configure their pre-defined activities depending on a specific type of booking, and accordingly, the assignment of the configured activities can be carried out by the vendors. Also, the users can add or delete activities alongside the configured activities, depending on their requirements.‍

● Chat feature

It allows customers to connect with vendors for instant updates and to manage deviations. This feature also helps both users and vendors ease the process of uploading documentation during shipment. It bridges the gap between communication and understanding.

5 solutions for all of your logistics requirements

April 04, 2023

5 solutions for all of your logistics requirements

By: Sarjak Sheth23 min

How to

Are you concerned about tracking your shipment or unsure about carrier capacity? Whatever your concern is, an extensive digital logistics platform can assist you in every step of your transportation procedures.

Two persons standing in front of two containers.

We give you 5 main features that can help you improve your logistics performance.

1. Easy accessibility of data eliminates Excel and Word documents‍

Earlier data was maintained in Excel sheet or Word file format, which ultimately created chaos while tracking data that was much older than three or four years. With an extensive digital logistics platform, the need to maintain the data on an Excel sheet or Word file is eliminated. Data can be accessed easily at any given point in time from anywhere in the world. ‍

2. Standardised communications‍

The communication was entirely dependent on the user. A mere delay in response would lead to misunderstandings and mistakes, leading to delays in logistics procedures. The possibility to interact with vendors or customers through a digital interface is more convenient, as it also maintains uniformity and accuracy. ‍

3. Data-driven decisions ‍

In the absence of digital technologies, important decisions were based on a person's knowledge and intuition. A digital platform for logistics allows you to access the right information at your fingertips, which eventually helps mitigate the risks of improper planning and helps users take the right decisions. ‍

4. Tracking your shipment activities‍

Tracking has always been one of the major issues in logistics. To address this issue, digitalization makes the tracking of your shipment activities very easy. Any alteration or delay in the transport of a consignment can be tracked in real-time.

5. Digital document store

Earlier documentation was filed on paper and kept in record rooms. The risks of misplacing or mishandling the document were a major concern. Nowadays, digitalization enables users to upload and save documents to a single digital store and in their own cloud. This surpasses the limitations, and the documentation can be done smoothly and error-free at minimum cost with the help of integrations and APIs, irrespective of volumes.


Let's connect and explore

How to unlock hidden inefficiencies and transform your supply chain with seamless automation